Halloween in Litchfield

This morning I started to wonder when door-to-door trick-or-treating became a custom. After a quick Internet search, it seemed likely that it was sometime in the 1950s. I turned to the Litchfield Enquirer to see what was going on in town mid-century. While I did not find mention of door-to-door candy collecting, I did find that townspeople were definitely celebrating Halloween.

I started my search in 1954, and found the article to the left about the Lion’s Club’s annual party which began in 1953.  I also found this mention of a party at the East Litchfield Volunteer Fire House: 

And this great advertisement for the Litchfield Food & Bakery Co.  Aren’t those prices amazing!











I then forwarded the film reel to 1955 (yep, we’re kickin’ it old school with a working microfilm reader) and found that the Lion’s Club event was even bigger. The article above gives all the details for those who wanted to participate. The one to follow reports on the actual event.








How long did the Lion’s Club continue this tradition? And were children trick-or-treating at houses during these years?  Please share your recollections of Litchfield’s Halloween traditions!

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About Linda Hocking

I have been the Curator of Library & Archives at the Litchfield Historical Society since 2002. I also serve on the State Historical Records Advisory Board, as Immediate Past President of New England Archivists, and as newsletter editor for the Academy of Certified Archivists. I have been a certified archivist since 2005.

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